The ‘raising awareness by posting a stupid Facebook status’ monster rears its ugly head again, and by an interesting (if predictable) gravity-fed compensating mechanism this is causing my heart to sink.
I just came across this scintillating piece of literature:
Following our last Facebook trend alert “why are women putting inches in their status?” [explanation: you needed to write your shoe size – just the number- followed by the word ‘inches’ and how long it takes to do your hair… har har], we’re bringing you another one. With October aka Breast Cancer Awareness Month right around the corner the ladies of Facebook have decided on a new game to play with male minds. The newest Facebook trend is weeks and cravings.
You may see women posting something like, “I’m 4 weeks and craving skittles” or “I’m 13 weeks and craving gummy worms”. Why are women posting weeks in their Facebook status? And why are women posting something that sounds like they’re pregnant on Facebook? Here’s the email I received about the game:
Ok pretty ladies, it’s that time of year again, in support of breast cancer awareness!! So we all remember last years game of writing your bra color as your status?…..or the way we like to have our handbag handy? Remember last year so many people took part that it made national news and, the constant updating of status reminded everyone why we’re doing this and helped raise awareness!! Do NOT tell any males what the status’ mean, keep them guessing!! And please copy and paste (in a message )this to all your female friends to see if we can make a bigger fuss this year than last year!!! I did my part… now YOUR turn ! Go on ladies…and let’s have all the males guessing! .. It’s time to confuse the men again (not that its really that hard to do 🙂 ) Everyone knows it makes their brains work wonders on what we’re talking about!!
The idea is to choose the month you were born and the day you were born. Pass this on to the girls only and lets see how far it reaches around. The last one about the bra went round all over the world. So you’ll write… I’m (your birth month) weeks and I’m craving (your birth date)!!! as your status. Example: Feb 14th is: I’m 2 weeks and craving Chocolate mints!!
January – 1 week
Febuary – 2 weeks
March – 3 weeks
April – 4 weeks
May – 6 weeks
June – 8 weeks
July – 10 weeks
August – 12 weeks
September – 13 weeks
October – 14 weeks
November – 16 weeks
December – 18 weeks
Days of the month:
1 – Skittles
2 – Starburst
3 – Kit-Kat
4 – M&M’s
5 – Galaxy
6 – Crunchie
7 – Dairy Milk
8 – Lollipop
9 – Peanut Butter Cups
10 – Meat Balls
11 – Twizzlers
12 – Bubble Gum
13 – Hershey’s Kisses
14 – Chocolate Mints
15 – Twix
16 – Resse’s Fastbreak
17 – Fudge
18 – Cherry Jello
19 – Milkyway
20 – Pickels
21 – Creme Eggs
22 – Skittles
23 – Gummy Bears
24 – Gummy Worms
25 – Strawberry Pop Tarts
26 – Starburst
27 – Mini Eggs
28 – Kit – Kat Chunkie
29 – Double Chocolate Chip Chrunchy Cookies
30 – Smarties
31 – Chocolate Cake
So this is an unfunny private joke having nothing whatsoever to do with breast cancer in the first place and which is shared only by those who received the email, who are then banned from telling men what the ‘joke’ is actually about.
Where exactly does the ‘raising awareness’ bit fit in again? And what’s with the random misandry? Men can and do get breast cancer too, you clueless, immature bints! Not to mention the sheer devastation of seeing your partner suffer from it (or worse). But no, let’s pretend we’re twelve and just exclude the boys from our little games because it makes us feel so cool.

Internet cliques and playground behaviour in adults who should know better. Yuk.
Terima kasih!! (“Thank you!” in Indonesian) I appreciated this. Still, I’ve gotta say, don’t get so bent out of shape, man.
Girls do things for attention — it’s what makes them girls. If you don’t look at every silly thing they do this way and get emotional about it, it will instantly kill any and all attraction they once had for you. Just let them do their things and smile — they will love you soo much more.
But I’m a girl too, that’s why I’m allowed to despise them 😉